There is a lot that people need to know about auto insurance. Many people think they have “full coverage” on their insurance policy. This term has created confusion as to what types of coverage are required in Florida. Florida has some of the most liberal requirements for vehicle owners of any state. The only types of coverage required in Florida are Property Damage and Personal Injury Protection.
In this blog, we will discuss Property Damage. Property Damage coverage will protect you by compensating the other driver for damage to his or her vehicle if you cause an accident. Many people think Property Damage coverage will fix their vehicle as well. That is not the case. Florida requires a minimum of $10,000.00 in Property Damage coverage. If your car is worth more than $10,000.00, a driver carrying the minimum Property Damage coverage will not be able to fully compensate your loss. If this concerns you, you should discuss adding Collision coverage to your policy.
Collision coverage will repair your vehicle or compensate you in many circumstances; for example, if the other driver’s Property Damage Coverage cannot fully compensate you, or the other driver is uninsured, or you cause the accident.
Contact the Attorneys of The Noble Law Firm, P.A. to assist you with your personal injury and/or insurance coverage matter.